Archive of published posts on January, 2013

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addison groove | adventures in rainbow country | 12 anstam | first sprout | 12 bamboundou | cobe | 12 marcel dettmann | linux/ellipse | 12 alasdair roberts & friends | a wonder working stone | 2 LP
attemporal & ness | spatial dimension | 12 barker & baumecker | remixes | 12 dakota suite | an almost silent life | CD delano smith | precipice | 12 dj spider & marshallito | infinite potential | 12
follakzoid | ii | CD force of nature | expansions | CD frustration | uncivilized | CD golden teacher | bells from the deep end | EP holydrug couple | noctuary | LP
jahiliyya fields | unicursal hexagram | 2 LP jasper tx | an index of failure | LP jk flesh/prurient | worship is the cleansing of the imagination | LP john tejada & josh humphrey | pulse locker | 12 kluster | schwarz | CD
laurel halo | sunlight on the faded | 12 lee gamble | dutch tvashar plumes | LP lindstrom |  vos-sako-rv | 12 loren connors | a fire | LP lucrecia dalt | commotus | CD
manhooker | wheels in motion | 12 markus nikolai | bushes/passion | 12 matthew dear | fighting is futile remixes | 12 michael mayer | mantasy remixe 1 | 12 mike parker | gph16 | 12
mike parker | gph17 | 12 mike parker | 18 | 12 moolah | woe ye demons possessed | CD mountains | centralia | 2 LP mutate | circle 1 | 12
mutate | circle 2 | 12 plant worker | beta | 12 philipp gorbachev | hero of tomorrow | 12 ricardo villalobos/sense club | tomorrov cocktail | 12 soft kill | seven hundred/current | 7
spk | field report san francisco | CD spk | case study london | CD stephan laubner & ric y martin | sommerpause | 12 terrence dixon | minimalism re:vision | 12 the men | electric/water babies | 7
truncate | modify | 12 ty segall | would you be my love/for those that would weep | 7 various | american noise | 2 CD various | american noise sampler | 12 various | gilles peterson presents black jazz radio | CD
various | music from saharan cellphones vol 2 | LP various | pop ambient 2013 | LP + CD various | pop yeh yeh: psychedelic rock from singapore & malaysia 1964-1970 vol. 1 | CD various | scattered melodies: korean kayagum sanjo | LP various | the crying princess: 78rpm records from burma | LP
various | studio one ironsides | CD velvet underground | at the end of of cole ave: the first nigth | 2 CD yoshi wada | singing in unison | CD traditional fools | s/t | LP
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