Archive of published posts on October, 2013

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anstam | gita/stinky wig | 12 black hearted brother | stars are our home | 2 LP boards of canada | music has the right to children | 2 LP chalaque | sounds from the other ideology | LP circuit, burns & hawk | from the legal pad of... | 12
compound eye | journey from anywhere | 2 LP d.r. carlson albion/rogier smal | split | 7 dj rashad | i don't give a fuck | 12 dusky | careless | 12 easy kabaka brown | opotopo | LP
exercise one | tales of ordinary madness 1 | 12 four tet | beautiful rewind | LP g.e.s. & jan jelinek | temple | 12 graham lambkin | abersayne/attersaye | 7 harold budd | perhaps | CD
harvey mckay | cinnamon kiss | 12 heavenly beat | prominence | LP heldon | interface | LP high speed & the afflicted man | get stoned ezy | LP lakker | untitled | 12
laurel halo | behind the green door | 12 lonnie holley | just before music | 2 LP lonnie holley | keeping a record of it | LP mauro picotto & riccardo ferri | the riff | 12 max graef | broken keyboard | 12
michael gracioppo | santo & christine | 10 mtd | random thoughts | 12 necro deathmort | ep1 | LP prostitutes | shatter & lose | 10 r-a-g | vacuum | 12
redshape | red pack ii | 2 LP rene hell | vanilla call option | LP son.sine | upekah | 12 special request | soul music | 2 CD tcb | monogamie | 12
teeth of the sea | master | LP the books | music for a french elevator & other oddities | 2 LP thomas fehlmann | eye/tree | 12 thurston moore & mats gustafsson | vi ar alla guds slavar | LP tindersticks | across six leap years | LP
various | 100dsr/var2 | 12 various | cosmic machine: a voyage acrossfrench cosmic & electronic avantgarde (1970-1980) | 2 LP+ CD various | musik for autobahns sampler | 12 various | wph summer special 2013 | 12 wymond miles | cut yourself free | LP
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